Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Health Facts

The Effects Eating Before Bed (Weight Gain, Poor Sleep, and More)

snacking at night

Once in your life, you’ve probably snuck out of bed to get a bedtime snack. But did you know that eating before bed isn’t such a good idea? Some people say that late-night snacking results in unwanted weight gain. Additionally, dentists at Sandstone Point Dental, located in Bribie Point, believe that it also causes tooth decay as eating in the middle of the night usually involves ice cream and sugary foods. Let us now discuss the effects of eating at night on your health and why it is essential to get proper nutrition.

Points of View About Bedtime Snacking

People have different opinions about the effects of eating before bed. Conventional wisdom states that eating too much at night can lead to weight gain since your metabolism isn’t working fast after you fall asleep. Thus, increasing the amount of stored fat in your body.

eating at bedtimeOn the other note, others believe that eating right before bed is not something to be worried about and that it may even help in weight loss and improving sleep quality.

As a result, many people are confused about which theory to believe in. Add the fact that both views have evidence that will support their claims.

One of the common beliefs is that our metabolism goes slower while we sleep (which causes weight gain). But your basal metabolic rate at night is just as high during day time. Evidently, the human body needs the same amount of energy during sleep and while awake. In addition, dentists highly disapprove of eating at night because of its adverse effects on dental health. If you are having a hard time controlling your kids’ urge to eat during bedtime, it’s probably time for you to consider dentistry for your family.

Furthermore, there is very little proof to support the claim that calories are higher during nighttime. Without any solid physiological explanation, studies show that eating late at night obstructs weight loss goals.

In conclusion, the effects of eating during the night are not the same for everyone. It depends on each person and involves many factors.

Eating before Bedtime


As mentioned, you may benefit if you eat before bed. Some of the advantages of eating late at night include better quality of sleep and maintained blood sugar levels.

Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, eating before going to bed might help. Even during sleep, our bodies need the right amount of energy to function correctly, as if hibernating for a great day tomorrow. Falling asleep while you are hungry will force your body to hold onto carbs and fats and not use them to refuel. You may opt to choose sleep-inducing meals that contain tryptophan and melatonin. These two feed your body the energy it requires to recover as you sleep.

  • Tryptophan is an amino acid. It is essential for the production of muscles, protein, neurotransmitters, and enzymes. And since it is an amino acid, your body cannot produce it naturally. It can be found in foods like cheese, turkey, tuna, and nuts.
  • Melatonin helps you to get better sleep. It has been used to manage sleep disorders and other sleep conditions. Melatonin-rich foods include tomatoes, bananas, oats, and cherries.

Improved Sleep

You might also sleep better if you snack before bed. However, your food choices make a significant difference between indigestion and a good night’s sleep. Foods like apple and avocado have essential nutrients that you’ll need. Check with the Melbourne Dental Sleep Clinic professionals to get more tips to improve your sleep.

Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels

Snacks like oatmeal, bread, fruits, and nuts help in regulating blood sugar levels. High levels help you to feel energized and boosted the next morning. It rejuvenates your body so you will be able to perform your daily tasks with the energy you need.


The disadvantages of late-night eating include acid reflux, heartburn, indigestion, health complications, and poor sleep.

Indigestion, Heartburn, and Acid Reflux

effects of eating before bedEating a large meal just before your bedtime puts you at risk of heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion. Doctors suggest eating your dinner three hours before bedtime can help in preventing these problems. Lying down and not making solid movements make it harder for your body to digest the foods you just consumed, resulting in nighttime discomfort.

Oral Problems

Often, we tend to eat our comfort food when we can’t sleep. Due to this, our health gets compromised. Dental experts at Prime-Dental.com.au would recommend avoiding eating ice cream, chocolates, and starchy foods at night. If temptation is hard to resist, drink plenty of water and brush your teeth again before going back to bed.

Healthy Snacking

Eating at night is okay as long as you carefully pick the foods to include in your snack. Avoid eating calorie-rich foods at night because they only trigger your cravings. Also, they might prevent you from getting better sleep quality. On the contrary, choose high protein and complex carbs foods like cottage cheese, avocado toast, cereal, and milk.





Should You Eat Before Bed? All the Pros and Cons (https://amerisleep.com/blog/eating-before-bed/)

Is It Bad to Eat Before Bed? (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/eating-before-bed#1)

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