Sunday, September 08, 2024

Dental Health

How To Remove Tooth Decay Yourself? (7 Natural Home Remedies)

The woman visits her dentist to prevent tooth decay.

Do you want to know how to remove tooth decay yourself? Is it possible? Well, since cavities are one of the most common oral health issues, learning ways to remove them by yourself would be a great help. However, the truth is severe tooth decay cannot be treated at home. So, if you have cavitiesgo to this website to address your concern as early as possible. Then, while staying at home, make sure to do proper oral hygiene practice. In any case, read on to find out the different ways to prevent tooth decay from advancing. Casey Dentists in Townsville, QLD can help you solve all your tooth decay issues. Check out their site by clicking on the link.


Understanding Tooth Decay Process

Sudden rapid tooth decay is possible, especially if you have poor oral hygiene habits. This is mainly because the plaque in your mouth has a significant role in advancing your tooth decay. So, suppose you have poor oral hygiene. In that case, you are creating a friendly environment for dental plaque to build up, leading to a more complicated condition. In any case, here are the main five stages of tooth decay:

Initial demineralization:  The early decay usually affects the tooth enamel, the hardest tissue in your body, and mainly comprises minerals. When you notice a white spot appear on your teeth, that is usually an early sign of tooth decay.

Enamel decay: Over time, the white spot can turn into a brownish color. This stage also indicates that the tooth enamel is weakening, causing holes known as cavities to develop.

Dentin decay: Dentin lies under the enamel. Once the bacteria influences your dentin, you may begin experiencing sensitivity.

Pulp damage: Pulp is the innermost part of the tooth. If the decay affects your pulp, it will lead to a painful sensation.

Tooth Abscess: As tooth decay progresses, bacteria can invade the whole tooth and cause infection. In fact, a dental abscess is a painful condition that requires immediate dental treatment.


Natural Home Remedies to Prevent Tooth Decay

Once decay has penetrated the dentin, you need to visit ADC’s clinic located in Campbelltown, NSW, to get proper dental treatment. Furthermore, the following approaches might help prevent cavities or treat fragile areas of your enamel before a hole develops:


Limit Snacking

Try to limit between-meal snacks. This is because frequent snacking can promote a suitable environment for the bacteria in your mouth to convert sugars into acids.


Sugar-Free Gum

Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can help remineralize tooth enamel. You can look for a gum that has xylitol ingredients. Many studies stated that it can stimulate saliva flow, raise plaque pH, and reduce Streptococcus mutans.


Cut Out Sugary Foods

Stop eating sugary food is the best cavity remedy that nobody likes to hear. According to the World Health Organization, eating sugar is the main danger factor for cavities. Hence, they recommend decreasing your sugar intake to less than 10% of your total caloric intake for the day.


Vitamin D

The role of Vitamin D in your body is to absorb phosphate and calcium from the food you eat. Studies display an opposite connection between eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D and cavities in young children. In any case, you can get vitamin D from the sun and dairy products, such as milk and yogurt.


Brush with Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride can help prevent cavities and remineralize tooth enamel. That is why regular brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste is essential to prevent tooth decay and cavities.


Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an old remedy that includes washing around an oil, such as sesame or coconut, in your mouth for at least 20 minutes, then spitting it out. It is believed that oil pulling can remove toxins from the body. However, there is not enough evidence for that. In any case, a small clinical trial demonstrated that oil pulling with sesame oil lessens plaque and gum disease. The study also showed how oil pulling can decrease the number of bacteria in the mouth similarly as successfully as chlorhexidine mouthwash.


Licorice Root

A study stated that extracts from the Chinese licorice plant can fight the bacteria liable for dental cavities. In addition, another study showed that licorice extracts are effective in significantly diminishing Streptococcus mutans in the mouth and preventing cavities.


Common Dental Treatment to Treat Cavities

Numerous dental issues, even deep cavities, evolve with no pain or other side effects. That is why regular dental checkups are the most ideal approach to catch a cavity before it deteriorates. Detecting early dental problems usually means easier treatment.The dentist will give the patient a cavity filling.

Furthermore, dental treatment for tooth decay and cavity may include:

Dental Fillings: Cavity fillings is the standard treatment for tooth decay that progresses beyond the enamel.

Professional Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride treatments given by your dentist contain more fluoride than toothpaste and mouthwashes you can purchase at a store. If your need stronger fluoride, your dentist may give you a prescription.

Dental Crowns: A crown or a cap is a custom-fitted covering that your dentist place over the tooth to address severe decay.

Root Canal Treatment: Root canals might be necessary if your tooth decay reaches the innermost part of your tooth.

Tooth extractions: Most of the time, dental extraction is the last option. Your dentist may recommend this procedure for a severely decayed tooth.


When to See a Dentist

It is significant to have regular dental visits because the early stages of tooth decay may go unnoticed. Your dentist can help to distinguish and treat the early signs of tooth decay before they deteriorate.

So, if you experience tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, or swelling in or around your mouth, book an appointment here. These might indicate the later phases of tooth decay or another dental complication that needs urgent dental care.



Chewing gum, oil pulling, licorice extracts, and other home remedies will not get rid of existing cavities all alone. Yet, these techniques might hold cavities back from getting bigger and keep new ones from coming.

Usually, they can help remineralize weakened or softened areas of your enamel before a cavity can progress. In addition, remember that the earlier a cavity is identified, the simpler it will be for your dentist to fix it. Hence, make sure to visit your dentist regularly.



Eleven tips to treat white spots on teeth.

Sugar-free chewing gum.

The Important Role of Vitamin D.

Root Canal Treatment.

Cavities/tooth decay.

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